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The Death of Socrates



The Death of Socrates is a 1787 painting by the French painter Jacques-Louis David. It represents the scene of the death of Greek philosopher Socrates, condemned to die by drinking hemlock, for the expression of his ideas against those of Athens' and corrupting the minds of the youth.

Socrates had the choice to go into exile (and hence give up his philosophic vocation) or be sentenced to death by drinking hemlock. Socrates chose death. In this painting, a red-robed disciple hands a confident Socrates the goblet of hemlock. Socrates' hand pointing to the heavens indicating his defiance of the gods and fearless attitude to his death.

The painting also depicts both Plato and Crito, with the former sitting ruefully at the edge of the bed and the latter clutching the knee of Socrates.

La Muerte de Sócrates es una pintura de 1787 realizada por el artista francés Jacques-Louis David. La obra representa la escena de la muerte del filósofo griego Sócrates, condenado a morir bebiendo cicuta por haber expresado sus ideas en contra de la creencia de los dioses ancestrales y corromper a los jóvenes atenienses.

Sócrates tuvo la oportunidad de ir al exilio (y por tanto renunciar a su vocación filosófica) o ser sentenciado a muerte bebiendo cicuta. Sócrates escogió la muerte. En este cuadro un discípulo vestido de rojo entrega a un seguro Sócrates el cáliz de cicuta. La mano de Sócrates señala a los cielos indicando su desafío a los dioses y su valentía ante la muerte.

La escena también retrata a Platón y a Crito, el primero sentado y abatido a los pies de la cama, el segundo agarrando la rodilla de Sócrates.
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1024x768px 291.44 KB
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Venexa's avatar
Oh wow I love all these paintings! Especially that they are about historical events.
Also the colours are incredible clear and it's in such a high quality!